在下面短文中的横线上填入所给单词中适当的词语,完成短文。(可重复使用) | |
The Monkey Judge There once (从前) was a 1_________ who was walking in a 2_________. Suddenly (突然) he fell in a 3_________. The wolf yelled (号叫), " 4_________! Help! " Along (经 过) came a 5_________. The 6_________ saved (救了) the wolf. He pulled the 7_________ out of the hole with a 8_________. Then the wolf said, "I will9_________ you." The sheep yelled (惨叫), " Help! Help! " Along came a 10_________. The monkey said, Let's do it again so I can see. Then I can judge who is right (对的)." So the 11_________ went back in the 12_________, and the sheep got (握住) the 13_________. The sheep started (开始) to 14_________ the wolf out of the hole. But the monkey yelled (大叫), " Stop! Stop! Don't 15_________ the wolf! The wolf is ungrateful (忘恩负义的). Leave (丢下) him in the 16_________." So once again(又一次) the 17_________ was stuck in the 18_________. The 19_________ and the 20_________ went home.
1. wolf 2. forest 3. hole 4. Help 5. sheep 6. sheep 7. wolf 8. rope 9. eat 10. monkey
11. wolf 12. hole 13. rope 14. save 15. save 16. hole 17. wolf 18. hole 19. monkey 20. sheep