

根据音标写单词. A good ['brekf?st] is import.ant. We c


根据音标写单词。 A good ['brekf?st] is import.ant. We can ['i:zili] __ understand it. We have not eaten

['eniθi?] for about twelve hours by breakfast time. Our bodies need food for ['m?:ni?]


One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and [fru:t]_ . On a cold morning,

a cup of hot [dri?k] is necessary. We must get up ['3:li] to have enough time to eat

breakfast. A good breakfast helps us to [smail] more easily. It helps us to be more

['frendli] and also to [w?:k] __ better and play more happily.


breakfast, easily, anything, morning, fruit, drink, early, smile, friendly, work