

阅读短文.选确答案. There lives an old man in the hous


阅读短文,选确答案。 There lives an old man in the house. In the house, there are many mice. The old man is tired of them. The

old man finds a cat. Every day the cat catches the mice and eats them.

The man is very happy. But the mice are very sad.

An old mouse says, "What shall we do? We must do something."

The old mouse has a meeting. All the mice come. Many mice speak, but they don't know what to do. At

last a young mouse stands up and says, "We must put a bell on the cat. When the cat comes near, we can hear

the bell and run away. So the cat can't catch us."

That's a good idea!

"But who will put the bell on the cat?" asks the old mouse.

A mouse answers, "The old mouse will."

The old mouse says, "Of course not, the young one will go."

"Oh! No!" The young mouse cries.1. There is and some live in a house.[ ]A. a man; mice

B. a man; cats

C. a woman; mice2. The old man is happy because . [ ]A. he likes mice

B. he likes the house

C. the cat can catch the mice3. What is the good idea?[ ]A. Leave the house

B. Put a bell on the cat

C. Kill the cat4. If the mice hear the bell they can . [ ]A. run away

B. stop talking

C. open the door5. Who will put the bell on the cat? [ ]A. The young mouse

B. The old mouse

C. No one


1-5 A C B A C