

读下面文章.判断正. Do's and Don'ts of American Studen



Do's and Don'ts of American Student Life

1. Never talk about someone's weight — " you are very fat ".

2. Never ask " how much did you pay for that ".

3. Never smoke indoors (unless given permission).

4. Never change the TV station, the air conditioner (空调) of fan controls in someone else's home. If you are

cold, put on a sweater.

5. Never hit anybody — animal or human.

6. Never talk about the bathroom.

7. Never spend more than 5 to 10 minutes on someone else's phone.

8. Never bring a friend with you to a party or dinner — unless you have asked the host if it is okay.

9. If you sneeze (打喷嚏) in public, cover your mouth and say " excuse me ".

10. Always be on time — between 5 minutes early and 5 minutes late, no more.

( ) 1. You can talk about someone's weight in public.

( ) 2. You can smoke indoors.

( ) 3. Don't speak more than 5 to 10 minutes on someone else's phone.

( ) 4. You can sneeze in public.

( ) 5. You can attend a party ahead of (提前) 15 minutes.


1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F