根据对话回答问题。Sarah: My bag is heavy.
Mike: What's in it?
Sarah: Look! Twenty-four story-books, thirty-five pencils, forty-eight rulers, fifty erasers, twelve pencil-cases.
Mike: Wow! My dear!
Sarah: What's in your bag?
Mike: Look! Four story-books, two pencils, one ruler, one eraser and one pencil-case.
Sarah: Oh, your bag is very light.
1. Is Mike's bag heavy?
2. How many pencils does Sarah have?
3. How many rulers does Sarah have?
4. How many story-books does Mike have?
5. What's in Mike's bag?
1. No, it isn't.
2. Thirty-five.
3. Forty-eight.
4. Four.
5. Four story-books, two pencils, one ruler, one eraser and one pencil-case.