Read and answer. 读短文,回答问题。 Long long ago, a dog, a monkey and a cat lived in the forest. One day, the dog asked the cat, " Do you
think I'm stronger than you? " The cat answered, " No, I'm much stronger than you." So they asked the monkey
to judge it. The monkey said, "Do you see the pear tree over there on the other side of the river? Now get me
those pears, or I can't tell you who is stronger." The dog swam across the river in a hurry. He got to the tree but
failed to climb it. The cat laughed at the dog by the river side. But he couldn't swim. So the dog let the cat sit on
his back and they both went across. The cat climbed to the top of the pear tree and they came back with the
pears. The monkey said, "Do you see now? Neither of you would be truly stronger without the other's help! "
1. Who is the judge in this passage?
2. Can the cat swim?
3. How did the dog go across the river?
4. Who picked the pears of the tree?
5. Did the dog win?
1.The monkey is the judge. 2.No. 3. He swam across the river. 4.The cat. 5.No.